Board of Directors

Wisconsin Figure Skating Club is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Any club member in good standing is eligible to serve on the Board of Directors. Most board meetings are open to the membership and generally occur on the third Wednesday of each month.

2023-2024 WFSC Board of Directors
President: Carolyn Clausius
Vice President: Becky Binns
Secretary: Erika McCue
Treasurer: Patty Rooney
Membership: Tom Dropp
Testing & Sanctions: Katie Rios
Co Test Chair: Kristin Haglund
Rink Operations: Mark Plamann
Volunteer Coordinator: Annie Forrer
Synchro Liaison: Michelle Gilbert
Public Relations: Angie Zigich
Web Site: Angie Zigich
Skate Milwaukee: Committee
Red, White & Blades: Committee

There are nine Board positions, four of which are Officers. Elections for Board positions occur in May of each year for terms that begin on the first day of June and end on the last day of May.

The President of the club is the principal officer and presides over the club’s business affairs.

The Vice President of the club assists the President and serves in the President’s absence.

The Treasurer of the club manages the financial affairs and makes recommendations regarding club decisions that have a financial impact.

The Secretary of the club records the activities of the club, including minutes of meetings and decisions of the board.

The Membership Director is responsible for recruiting members and maintaining the membership records of the club.

The Test and Sanctions Chair is responsible for organizing test sessions and reporting results to US Figure Skating. The Test Chair is also responsible for certifying skaters’ qualifications when they are competing or testing in events sponsored by other clubs.

The Director of Rink Operations is responsible for maintaining relationships with local rinks and organizing club-sponsored ice time.

The Public Relations Director is responsible for publicizing the activities of the club with the goals of promoting club membership and participation in club activities, and local awareness of figure skating in general.

The Synchro Liaison is the primary link between the club’s synchronized skaters and the Board of Directors. As a team sport, synchronized skating requires a dedicated group of people to coordinate activities. The Liaison is the link between this coordinating group and the Board of Directors.

Committee Chairpersons
In addition to the Board of Directors, there are committee chair positions that contribute substantially to the operation of the club.